

This site is a bit of a mixture of my personal story of coming to terms with Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss, a description of CIST, which is a relatively new technique, as well as some links to tools and other articles.

In July 2023 I had a ‘blocked ear’. For the first 4 weeks I carried on life pretty normally but over time it became very sensitive and painful. It started impacting my ability to socialise. Steroids provided some improvement, but this was temporary. You can read my story here. I’m currently trying a CIST protocol to see if my hearing can improve.

SSHL and the Brain

Here is a brief article I have written about the brain re-wiring after SSHL: ‘SSHL – More than a hearing problem’ I mainly wrote it for my own understanding.

CIST Protocol

There are a couple of papers outlining CIST, but they are more at a research level. They suggest not to do it at home but in a hospital setting. But this treatment is not offered in Australia.

I have written my own modified CIST protocol for home use, which incorporates all the elements of the CIST outlined in the studies with some more recent ideas as well. You can read about it here: CIST Protocol


My modified CIST protocol requires some tools, like Spotify, a good set of headphones, a signal generator app. There are links to some tools to assist you with CIST here.

If you decide to try the CIST protocol I’d love your feedbaack, the best place to provide feedback or ask questions is this facebook group:

CIST facebook group